Main Focus
The main focus of Aquaquinta is the research and development necessary to train persons in the use of the technology that makes it possible for them to encounter their own unique beauty and perfection in the present moment, reflecting their body´s own vibration through light and sound.
Name AquaQuinta
The name Aquaquinta is represents the qualities of both water and vibration, which create Life and us humans.
Aqua/water is from where all life on this wonderful water planet arises.
Quinta/fifth represents vibration in its most beautiful form. It is an interval, which allows us humans to not only get a profound understanding, but also get access to real quality. An interval reuniting polarity on a higher level.
Aqua stands for water.
Water (aqua) is the only element on this planet in which life can materialize in its physical form. All living organisms develop in an aqueous environment. We humans consist of about 70% water. Embedded in amniotic fluid during 9 months, a fertilized egg cell develops miraculously into a perfect human being. However the amniotic fluid has more functions and influences on the morphogenesis than so far generally assumed so far.
Today we know that vibration manifests itself in water by form (in-formation). It means that water is THE transmitter of vibrations. It changes the vibration from the outside into a blueprint for the human construction plan . The DNA serves as a tool in the in-formations process creating a human, rather than only source of information itself. The unique ability of water to react on any vibration and to manifest these vibrations in a form giving process explains why not a single leaf on a tree is alike.
Another interesting aspect is that physical features, for example the viscosity of water is influenced by vibration. The viscosity on the other hand has a direct influence on the cell division.
Scientists all over the world have demonstrated that water reacts on vibration, also on the vibration of music. Dr Masaru Emoto (known from his books Message from Water ) shows beautifully that water in its frozen state not only shows qualities not only on a chemical, microbiological and physical level but also reflects the harmonics of vibration in visible recognizable and harmonic shapes.
That we like or dislike music and react differently (positively/negatively) to it cannot only be described to the intellect or mind but, more to the fact that the body consists of more than 2/3 water, which simply reacts to vibration and thus to music. This can easily be seen in children -even babies, still in the uterus, react strongly to music. This is known by the term “Mozart effect” .
Quinta stands for the fifth. This interval is probably the most pleasurable interval of all musical intervals. This interval can be heard when you divide a string into 2/3.
Music therapists all over the world and from all cultures prefer this interval. For instance the sitar instrument from India is tuned in fifths. In classical music the harmonies most often disengage/dissolve in the fifth. The longing of the Blues is musically described by the resolution of the little fifth (tritonus or blue note ) to the fifth.
Entrainment effect of vibration
The entrainment effect of vibrations and especially of music can lead to either good or bad feelings when we are listening/exposed to it. In a way you could say that you cannot ignore music. Either you become a part of it, or your body tries with all available means to escape from it.
Already the Pythagorean and before them the Egyptian and Indian scientists discovered the real meaning of quality and sounds with the help of a monochord.
Mathematical principles itself originated from certain laws, found in the music made by a monochord.
For example, when you take a string and divide it in the middle, you can hear the interval of an octave. Thereof you can deduce two primary statements: A quantitative one ( the proportion 1:2) and a qualitative one, according to how it makes one feel.
The description quintessence means the essence of something. This description properly originated from the significance that has been attached to the interval of the fifth.
The fifth (quint) also has a connection with the pentagram, which is in different cultures the symbol for the female. Only the female materializes and gives birth to all living forms.
Female also stands for emotion, which we particularly sense and notice, when we hear different tones and intervals. Today s science has almost completely forgotten or suppressed the other side, which is related to quality and feelings. It seems as if only the quantitative side with its exact measurements is of importance.
Based on measurable facts, one can nowadays also describe the qualitative properties. In fact, qualitative properties can only be described when based on a profound understanding of vibrations and harmonics.
Vibration forms matter. The easiest way to see this is in water.
Water – source of all life. But why is it like that?
Water reacts on every vibration. Vibration has the ability to change the ph-value in water and even has an influence on its viscosity. More so, vibration has the capability to reflect itself in water through forms.
The dominant quantitative approach of science is obvious in genetic engineering. The main part of the research is still focussing on the material part and still believes that all information and thus all morphogenetic processes are only caused and based on the DNA.
How does it possible that every leave on a tree is different to the other? Or why do the same parents get different children, even though the genetic information, which they pass on to their kids, does not change?
Or, might the assumption be true, that during morphogenesis and its continuous and infinite changes, vibration “in-forms” water (brings into form) and thus has an influence on each leaf, each child or each manifested life form on earth ?
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