“Music from the heart – Real Coherence”
With Sound of Soul you encounter YourSelf alone
or connected together with another person simultaneously
in sound and colored light,
experiencing the unique form of real coherence.
Heart Music
In the setting Heart Music a person is connected to Sound of Soul and he/she experiences his/her sound and colour lights based on the HRV.
Further down you can hear some samples of sounds, played by one person connected to Sound of Soul.
The “music” is played by the person. Sound of Soul translates the body’s own heart vibration (mainly from the parasympathetic system, which is the area where the relaxation and recovery takes place) directly into individually selectable and adjustable instruments and sounds (see Sound of Soul components).
The colours can be triggered directly from the heart frequencies or from the RSA (respiratory sinus arrhythmia).
You can individually chose the instruments you want being played through Sound of Soul based on your HRV. The sounds can be played in different tunings from A (La) 440 Hz or 432 Hz.
Sound of Soul with classic instruments
Sound of Soul with “Ethno” instruments
Heart Harmonic
In the settings Heart Harmonic you can connect two persons simultaneously and hear them play together.
Through carful listening to the mutual sounds, the listener becomes aware of their common melody. The more you surrender to your sound and forget about the surroundings the more you will open up toward your counterpart and start playing harmonically together.
The heart is a “reactive organ”, it reacts on its fellow human beings.
Making two hearts audible is not only a beautiful experience but, at the same time opens an unlimited diversity of possibilities.
For example for:
-Relationships; parents-children; mother – baby
-Sound Therapist – patient
-Employee – employer …
Mother and child during nursing
In this sample the Sound of Soul recording is from a mother and her daughter during nursing, taken from the parasympathetic frequency spectrum range. The mother plays the viola and the daughter plays the violin.
Couple playing harps
Wife and husband playing drums and shakuhachi
This post is also available in: German