But what is WellBeing and what does actually take place?
One of the oldest approaches to support our wellbeing throughout the entire world is probably through sound, rhythm and light. Every mother tries to bring her child to sleep by singing, humming or offering some comfort with nice soothing sounds.
We humans are literally comprise of sound. The word person is derive from per-sonare, which means “sound going through”. From quantum physics we know that the more we divide matter into smaller parts the closer we get to a level in which everything finally ends in vibrational energy.
Even though our technical world gets more and more specialized, and new findings, methods, remedies and approaches help us to live a long and healthy life, many health related issues remain and in some areas even become continuously worse.
Today we have more than 40’000 defined symptoms, we define up to 16.000 genetic caused diseases and we try to solve these problems in more than 50 medical specialised fields and professions.
However, despite more accurate and technical medicine, the cancer rate for example continuously increases.
Cardiovascular and circulatory diseases are recognized as the leading cause of death in our society. According to the WHO 1/3 of global deaths are caused by heart related diseases. We could continue with many more such statistics.
Focussing on all the different and isolated topics might be the main reason why so many problems are still not solved today or are even continuously increasing. Jiddu Krishnamurti once beautifully said: “Analysis is paralysis”.
Are we living in a world where the huge technical health apparatus and pharmaceutical dominated approach might not be able to solve all the problems we face today? Did we reach a point, despite this amazing technology and knowledge medicine gained, where conventional therapy has reached its limit?
Today many people come to the conclusion that medicine has to open its gate to new, or maybe old/ancient understandings of wellbeing. Maybe our ongoing war and fight against diseases is not always the proper way to deal with the problems we face today. An often quoted statement of Albert Einstein says: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”.
Life and health seem to be much more than the sum of its, from us humans separated and divided parts.
But what is wellbeing and when does actually support it?
We are made of several trillion cells. Each second we produce and replace about 50 million cells. There is an intelligence in our body, which no therapist can even closely comprehend and understand.
One interesting observation is that not two heartbeats during our life are the same. Today the Heart Rate Variability is regarded today as a global indicator of the regulatory capacity of a human being.
From a physical point of view this shows that our heart is much more than just a pump. It is the centre of life itself, it is unique with each single heartbeat.
For me the most beautiful description of Life is: “Life is Change in Movement”.
Sound of Soul and its technology is not regarded as a healing technology and no medical claims are made. Sound of Soul is a mirror reflecting one’s own inner beauty and potential of self regulating the inner balance.
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