Lectures of Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen
Lectures in German
Rasmus Franciscus Gaupp-Berghausen
Dipl.-Ing. in Landscape Architecture and Planning MSc in Agricultural Science
Rasmus Franciscus Gaupp-Berghausen was born 01.09.1974 in Austria. Between 1993 and 2002 he studied Landscape Architecture and Planning at the University of Bodenkultur in Vienna and Agricultural Science at the Royal University of Veterinary and Agriculture in Copenhagen. R. Gaupp-Berghausen put his main focus during his studies in Europe and also during further studies in Central America on water.
His first master thesis in Denmark focussed on the interaction of nutrients between soil and water
(The significance of leaching to nutrient loss under humid tropic condition in oil palm production sites). The second master degree in Vienna focussed on the removal of endocrine disruptors in water (Behaviour of radioactively-labelled endocrine disruptors during activated carbon filtration). Besides becoming trained in chemical and biological evaluation of water his main goal was and is to understand how real quality, especially in relation to water can be determined.
Besides these studies R. Gaupp-Berghausen is since years studying alternative approaches regarding water quality. Due to many seminars and lectures he attended, of which several have been organized by him self he could realize that only based on the chemical and partly physical methods used today water quality can not be described and determined sufficiently. Already before he learned about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s technology and approach regarding water testing he wondered why the same water samples, (and other fluids as for example blood, milk, or plant liquids) despite identical chemical properties can show completely different forms and pattern when examined under the dark field microscope. It seems that further properties, and especially qualities, which are today unfortunately still neglected or even ignored from the water technological side, have to be determined and described to get a more holistic picture of real quality. Especially water seems to be more than only the sum of H2O and its ingredients.
In the last years R. Gaupp-Berghausen could in cooperation with different scientists expand his knowledge and experience regarding water. Countless visits to Japan, Russia, USA, Egypt as research centres in Europe and cooperation with researcher as Dr. Masaru Emoto/Tokyo, Dr. Ibrahim Karim/University Cairo, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov/University St. Petersburg, Minnie Hein/University Stuttgart; led to a deeper understating of water, an understanding, which is not only related to its materialistic describable properties of water.
In cooperation with Dr. Emoto R. Gaupp-Berghausen founded 2004 the laboratory Hado Life Europe in Liechtenstein. The main focus of the research and work conducted at Hado Life Europe is the evaluation of water or water containing liquids on their form-giving characteristics/changes despite chemical/and or microbiological identical properties.
Since the opening the laboratory has received more than 2500 samples from all over the world. Their origin varies from so called holy springs like Lourdes, Fatima or Zamzam, to springs which are referred as healing water as used in Wellness centres and Spas to normal springs and tap water. Further water sample were from big rivers and streams like Amazon, Nil or Mississippi or even samples from very remote places like Antarctic, Machu Pichu or Tibet. During these years
he could experience that frozen water magnified under the microscope shows different qualities depending on their recognizable harmonic structures.
To determine Quality and thus the positive effect of water to humans and nature both chemical and biological as structural properties have according to R. Gaupp-Berghausen be considered.
Interesting observations during the last years were made regarding vibration. Water seems to have the property to react on any kind of vibration. Experiments with microwaves, ultrasound or just simply with music have demonstrated that water is able to reflect these impacts and reflect their quality in form-giving processes.
Interesting is the obvious appearing direct relation between harmonic intervals, as we encounter them in music (teaching of harmonic) and the property of water to create beautiful (for the human perception as nice and positive experienced) and recognisable harmonic shapes.
Applied examination methods of Hado Life Europe are today: water ice crystal photography (samples are frozen by over -20°C and examined with up-light microscopy), ‘drying pictures with dark field microscopy (water samples are dropped on glass slides and the process of drying and the remaining substances after drying is examined) as the GDV (gas discharge visualization) technology.
One field in which Gaupp-Berghausen has been conducting research during the last years is in relation of ultrasound and its effect to Amniotic Liquid. The target is to evaluate if a modulation of vibration can lead to a quality enhancement. The main assumption of this work is that the more harmonic and thus recognizable a structure the more positive effect it might have to its surrounding. Further should the research show that different vibrations have an influence of the structure and that a modulation of the vibration itself can have beneficial properties.
The latest work of R. Gaupp-Berghausen is in relation of HRV (Heart Rate Variability) and Music as Colour Light. Through algorithms the vibrations of the HRV are directly translated into audible frequencies of sound and visible frequencies of colour light.
2009 R. Gaupp-Berghausen opened the company Aquaquinta and in 2011 this technology was for the first time launched under the n a m e Sound of Soul (www.aquaquinta.com), making this technology and its understanding available for everyone.
The beauty in this work is that everybody is able to experience ones own heart vibration life in the here and now in form of sound and light. The music deriving from the HRV is as individual as the fingerprint and can be effectively applied for all kind of therapies. The music itself is beside for therapeutical use also a wonderful way to show the unique vitality of each one of us. At the same time Sound of Soul technology provides professional HRV measurement and analysis.
Since its launch Sound of Soul has already spread into 20 different countries. People from all kind of different health related fields are interested in working with this new approach. It is already applied by general practitioners, doctors, hospitals, natural health practitioners, hypnotists, life coaches, nutritionists, music therapist, healers, schools, or simply for private use. Basically people who are open minded for encountering and working with the humans own beauty and its wonderful ability of self healing.
During the last years Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen has been invited in over 40 countries presenting his work in lectures and workshops. He speaks besides German, English, Danish and Spanish fluently. He lives today with his wife and four children in the western part of Austria.